As the COVID-19 outbreak brought a devastating challenge in healthcare, telemedicine kits come as a stepping stone for the treatment and prevention of the virus. Telehealth enables remote health-related services such as monitoring, prevention, and treatment over a secure connection and made healthcare more accessible than ever.

As many companies and educational centres have adopted the work-from-home norm, remote consultation is becoming highly imperative in healthcare. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought telemedicine into a new spotlight and now there is access to medical care across hospitals, emergency care, ambulances, primary care, disaster, and military situations.

Telemedicine Pivoting During COVID-19 and After

Proximity to healthcare isn’t the only challenge. Some people experience a lack of transportation and mobility issues during COVID-19 and post situation. Many people who work in remote locations, such as those related to energy production, mining, commercial shipping, etc. need timely medical support.

Having a telemedicine kit with all-in-one diagnostic tools can help take patients’ vital signs, carry out in-home visits, and electronically share information with specialists anywhere at any time. Medical professionals can do video conferencing to diagnose, treat, and follow up to ensure optimal patient care – everything without visiting a hospital, especially in areas with limited infrastructure and connectivity.

A well-equipped telemedicine kit allows physicians to diagnose and treat patients remotely and is a cost-effective solution to improve medical care access to remote and hard-to-reach areas. It can help you with:

• Screening for COVID-19, testing recommendations, and guidance on prevention

• General health care (wellness visits, advice on emergency illnesses, and vital signs)

• Prescription

• Nutrition counselling

• Mental health counselling

Sojro Telemedicine Kits – Driven by Revolution and Passion

When the pandemic threatened to disrupt the healthcare sector, Tech4Life Enterprises responded by Sojro COVID telemedicine kit. They have designed diagnostic tools that can help identify patients who may be suffering from COVID-19 and seeking medical care. This improves access to basic healthcare, specifically for people in remote and underdeveloped regions.

To address the challenge of limited internet connectivity and poor access to healthcare facilities, the company designed MDConsults and eSteth to transmit diagnostic information using little bandwidth. In the hands of a social worker or community health worker, Sojro creates medical facilities nearly anywhere and transmits information from places that lack connectivity.

• Designed with mobility, price, and proper utilisation

• Contain multiple digital devices, particularly useful in remote and underserved areas

• Capture, store, and transmit patient data in diagnostic quality and connect specialists via live video consultation 

• Smooth data transfer and effective power management

• Power backups for longer life

List of devices included:

• Digital stethoscope

• Wireless otoscope and dermascope

• Wired iris scope

• Vital signs monitor

• Telemedicine software

• Windows tablet

• Noise cancellation

• Ultrasound probe

• Fetal doppler

• Power backup


Several factors contribute to expertise in the sub-sector of digital health, including the need for healthcare in remote communities and the development of advanced telecommunication. In recent times, the telehealth industry has grown significantly and recognised advances in wireless technology and mobile diagnostic tools that could revolutionise the telemedicine arena.

Many Sojro telemedicine kits online have been designed for ambulances, disaster and military preparedness and response, hospitals, maternal care, emergency care, home care, and remote locations. Through advanced telehealth solutions, physicians and nurses can expand their reach with the ability to remotely examine and diagnose patients efficiently.

Telemedicine isn’t only an innovative solution to address COVID-19 patients but also making efforts to grow telehealth services for hospitals and other clinical settings to better serve patients remotely.