Middle school is a tough time for most kids. It's an awkward time of life, where they're not quite old enough to start taking on adult responsibilities but definitely not a kid anymore. 

You don’t have to just leave your child alone after their admission in a middle school in San Jose, or wherever you live, but you have to take care of everything associated with their life. If you're trying to figure out what to do, here are some tips that might help:

1. Be a good listener and be a good role model

While it's easy to assume that listening is a skill you either have or don't have, it's actually something that can be learned. The next time your child is talking to you, try focusing on what they're saying rather than thinking about what your response will be. This will help them feel heard and understood, which can make any situation easier for both of you.

2. Keep up on the latest middle school-related news and share it with your child

As a parent, you want your child to be informed about what's going on in their school. You can do this by keeping up with the latest news in your child's school. Share this information with them and encourage them to make decisions based on what they know.

3. Encourage your child to make new friends

It is important for children to have a variety of friends and not just spend all their time with their siblings. The best way for this to happen is by allowing them the space and freedom to meet new people at school or outside of school, without you being present. Letting your child feel that they can go off on their own will give them confidence in themselves and enable them to make new friends without any pressure from you or anyone else around them. It may take some time before your child feels comfortable enough around others but once they do, it will be worth it!

4. Help your child with homework & outside school life

• Help with homework when needed--ask questions about what's going on in class so that there isn't any confusion later down the line when assignments start coming home from teachers.

• Make sure they understand the subject matter and the concepts behind it.

Be patient and encouraging, but don't hesitate to ask the teacher for help if you're not sure how to help your child; one of the best things you can do is make sure that teachers know what's going on in your child's life outside of school so they can better tailor their instruction accordingly.

5. Get involved in the community (don't be afraid!)

As a parent, you may be wondering how to help your middle schooler get involved in the community. The best way is to volunteer for an organization or cause that interests them. This can range from tutoring at a local elementary school to volunteering at their school's science fair (or even judging it). You don't have to commit yourself full-time; just showing up once in awhile will make a difference!

6. Let them know that you're there for them

Let them know you're there for them, but also let them take some risks and do things on their own. Don't be afraid to let your child make mistakes or fail in some areas. It's good for them to learn how to deal with failure and bounce back from it, as well as figure out what they want out of life at this stage in their lives.

7. Middle school can be tough, but it doesn't have to be

Middle school can be tough, but it doesn't have to be. As a parent, you can help your child navigate the challenges of middle school by being a good listener and role model. You should also keep up on the latest middle school-related news so that you can share it with them when they want advice or information about something going on at school.


Be involved in everything they do at school, whether it's sports or clubs or choir or anything else. The most important thing to remember is that middle school in San Jose, or anywhere else, is a time for your child to explore who they are and what they like. It's also a time for you to find out more about who your child is, so you can support them in any way possible.